Uplift your yin yoga experience with The Golden Chamber of Qi book
This 430-page master yin yoga book will assist you in reducing chronic pain, cellular ageing and nervous system tension. It.explores the Taoist foundations of Eastern wisdom and the modern scientific view of energy combined with the principles of Chinese medicine and meridian stretching used in yin yoga classes.

As a yin yoga practitioner, create Yin Yoga Qi Flow sequences incorporating still postures, self-healing Daoyin movements, Taoist visualisations, and breathing methods to rebalance your body and uplift your energy.

- It explores the fascinating Taoist foundations of Eastern wisdom and the modern scientific view of energy, assisting you in mastering "Qi" cultivation, circulation, and regeneration for your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing.

- It incorporates the principles of Chinese medicine, meridian stretching and the Five Elements Methodology for emotional self-regulation to quickly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms.

Beautifully illustrated, this inspiring manual will revitalise your Yin Yoga practice.

Public price £45- now at £35

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